7 Surprising Facts About the Invention of the Mobile App Development

Steve Jobs foresaw the development of a new digital distribution system long ago, in 1983. He presciently predicted an age when softwares would be downloaded over phone lines. Today, practically two score years later, we cannot imagine our lives without web applications. Web applications have become indispensable to us. From keeping ourselves up-to-date to connecting with friends and family, mobile apps are used in every sphere of our lives. But only a few of us are aware of the evolution of mobile apps. Most of today’s generation has seen mobile apps in an avatar very different from the earlier ones. How many of you remember the PDAs of the 1990s, for example? 

The Apple app store revolutionized our interaction with technology. In its initial phase, apps were rudimentary. These apps were there on your phone without trying to monopolize your attention. Spin forward to the second decade of the 20th century, and you will notice a war being waged between different apps to have your undivided attention. Social media apps know your favorite browsing time and push content that may appeal to you. To cut a long story short, apps have come a long way and have begun dominating our lives in ways we could not have imagined even a decade ago

But how many of us know facts about Mobile App Development?

Only twelve years ago, apps were a novelty. In 2010, the app was judged word of the year! So, when exactly was the first mobile app launched? The app is not even a millennial. It is Gen Z! In 1997, Nokia 6110 launched the first built-in version of the basic arcade game, Snake. Many technology experts consider it to be the first mobile app. However, it is worth knowing that Apple first launched the first app store in 2008. This app store had 500 apps. So, the prize for being the first modern mobile app goes to none! 

Here, in this blog, we present to you surprising 7 facts about mobile apps:

  1. In the late 90s, the Internet disrupted all aspects of our lives. Businesses discovered they needed a website. Digital presence became indispensable to a successful business operation. Then came a time, somewhere late noughties, when websites were no longer relevant. Apps replaced websites and took over the digital landscape. Today, mobile applications are viewed far more than websites. Computers and laptops have been replaced by smartphones and tablets. These smartphones and tablets come with an app store from where you can download any app of your choice. According to data, 87% of people’s attention is devoted to apps. 
  2.  Cut-throat competition: 7 out of 10 apps are never downloaded even once. An average adult has more than 80 apps on their phones, but less than 10 apps are used every day. A mobile app developer has less than three days to prove their app’s  worth. Most of the downloaded apps are deleted without being used even once. 
  3. Mobile apps developers earn through advertisement. Every time an ad appears, mobile app developers get paid. Be it an impression, view, or click, mobile app developers are paid for any kind of engagement with ads appearing on their apps. 
  4. There are two types of mobile apps: (1) Native mobile app (2) Web based mobile app Native mobile apps are designed for specific mobile operating systems like iOS and android. They can be downloaded from mobile app stores and installed directly on mobile devices. Web based mobile apps, on the other hand, are accessible through a mobile browser and are a combination of native and web based apps
  5. Mobile based apps have a wider reach than any other medium. Most businesses depend on mobile apps for wider reach and engagement. Mobile apps lead to improved customer loyalty and better sales opportunities. Higher brand awareness and improved brand visibility are also achieved using mobile based apps. 
  6. 1.2 million mobile apps are released every year. These apps are released between two major app stores – Google play and Apple App store. Google adds 840,000 apps to its play store every year, while Apple App Store adds just over 300,000 apps every year to its app store. 
  7. Mobile apps can be developed on a range of platforms. If you do not develop mobile apps on multiple platforms, you will lose competitive edge. To maximize profit and reach a wider audience, your app must be developed on multiple platforms. 


Websites are now a passe. Mobile apps have emerged as the most popular platform where most people engage with brands. Over a million apps are uploaded on two app stores – Google play store and Apple App store – every year. But most of the apps launched are never even downloaded. An app has on average three days to prove its worth. More apps are downloaded every day than they are used. In this age, a business cannot thrive without a user-friendly app.

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